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Recommended OTC products for individuals suffering from chronic sinusitis or other sinus issues.
Sinus Probiotics
Viral URI
Sinus Antiseptics
Nasal Polyps
Sinus Headache
HEPA Filters & Masks
For more information on improving air quality, click here. Molekule is the only FDA approved HEPA filter to remove and kill viruses from the air. Specifically Molekule Air Mini and Air Mini+ have received FDA 510(k) clearance as a Class II medical device on 3/9/21.Sino-Nasal Flushes
Watch an instructional video on how sinus rinses are performed. Even kids are able to perform sinus rinses (watch video).Organic Nasal Sprays
Sinus plumber uses capsaicin reduce nasal nerve activity and therefore congestion and runny nose. Instructions on how to make chamomile nasal spray can be found hereNosebleed Treatment
More info on treating nosebleeds can be found here. Watch a video on how to use ponaris.Viral URI (Flu & Cold) Symptom Treatment
Antiseptic Sinus Rinses
There has been increasing amount of research that suggests that sinus rinses performed with betadine or other iodine based antiseptics can kill viruses and bacteria within 15 seconds. With 8 ounces of saltwater (one NeilMed rinse bottle), add 1/2 teaspoon of betadine or ioRinse. ioRinse is similar to betadine, but relatively tasteless and non-staining. Perform flush once a day, especially if you think you might be getting sick. Watch video for more info here.MRSA Infections
More info on MRSA and disinfection protocols here.Nasal Polyps
Taking Omega 3 Fatty Acids ~2 grams daily as well as cutting out all red meat helps some patients suffering from nasal polyps.
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