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Recommended OTC products for individuals suffering from a variety of nasal issues.
Please look in our allergy store for symptoms related to allergies and the sinus store for patients who suffer from chronic sinusitis.
Dry Nose
Nostril Infections
Nasal Obstruction
Nasal Suction
Nasal Fractures
Nosebleed Care
More info on treating nosebleeds can be found here. Watch a video on how to use ponaris.Dry Nose Care
Watch a video on how to use ponaris.Untoasted sesame oil can be used alternatively if dislikes the "smell" of ponaris.Nostril Infection Care
Nasal Obstruction
Video showing how nasal dilators work. Here's a video regarding breathe-right strips.HEPA Filters & Masks
For more information on improving air quality, click here.Nasal Aspirators for Infants & Young Children
There are basically 2 types of aspirators... electric and non-electric. When it comes to electric aspirators, most devices under $50 are under-powered and break quickly. For high quality electronic aspirators, you unfortunately need to pay for devices that often cost over $100 which is what is linked below.Nasal Fracture Masks
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