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Zenker's Diverticulum-Endoscopic Staple Diverticulostomy (ESD)

by , last modified on 4/14/21.


The procedure is performed entirely through the mouth. There are NO incisions made in the neck. (Watch video how the procedure is performed.)

Given the lack of incisions, patients are allowed to start eating/drinking the day after surgery. Often, patients go home the same day of surgery.

Overall, the procedure occurs as follows:

  1. After being placed under general anesthesia, a special bivalved laryngoscope is placed into your mouth and advanced to where the diverticulum is located. (Slide 4 and Slide 4b)
  2. Special sutures are placed to anchor the common wall between the diverticulum and esophagus (swallowing tube). (Slide 9)
  3. A stapler device is than used to divide and seal the cut edges (Slide 11). For more information on why this would help if you are confused, click here.
  4. The anchoring sutures are cut and removed.
  5. Laryngoscope is removed.
  6. You are awakened and extubated. The procedure generally takes 30-45 minutes to perform. (Slide 12)
  7. You are discharged after a few hours of observation. If you live far away, you have the option of staying the night in the hospital or at the hotel.
  8. By the next day, you are allowed to eat/drink. Post-op instructions can be reviewed here.

That's it!

For a pictoral slideshow of this procedure, go here. See how this approach compares with other surgical approaches.

Click here to watch a video created by Dr. Chang.

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