Office Patient Portal
Patient portal is available for established patients only. Clicking the orange button below will open a new window to login to our office's patient portal. Please note, there have been scammers sending emails pretending to come from our office's patient portal. Read more about such patient portal email scams here. Any patient portal emails you get from us will have a domain.
If you have never registered for patient portal access in the past, please complete this form.
If you just want to pay your bill, click the Bill Pay button below.
Other Useful Patient Portals

Results of Bloodwork
If you desire any testing or procedure reports that were done at Fauquier Hospital, go to the next section below.
Much of the bloodwork ordered in our office is performed through Labcorp. Any blood test results performed through Labcorp can also be obtained through their patient portal which can be accessed here.
If any other information including office notes desired, you will have to contact us to receive a copy.
Anything Done in the Hospital
If any testing, bloodwork, radiology, and procedures were performed at Fauquier Hospital, you will be able to access these results also via the hospital patient portal eChart here. The hospital's login screen will look like the screen shot below.